
Lost or Found Items - Police Circular

Walpole Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team recently circulated information about how the police service deals with lost and found items.

The circular states -

"Due to recent changes in the Met Police the way we deal with Lost or Found property in a public place the police will only deal with certain items where they are lost or found in public places. This includes items dropped in the street, left at a bus stop, on a beach, etc.

Your Police, Your Say - MOPAC Roadshow

The Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and the Metropolitan Police Service are visiting Ealing to talk about the progress made against the Police and Crime Plan and hear local people's views on policing in the capital.

Stephen Greenhalgh, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Assistant Commissioner Helen King and local Borough Commanders will be at Ealing Town Hall on New Broadway on 9th October 2014.

Northfield Ward Forum

This ward forum is being run jointly with the Northfield Ward Safer Neighbourhood Police Panel.

The Safer Neighbourhood Panel starts at 7 pm and provides people with an opportunity to speak informally with the police.

The ward forum follows at 7.30. The councillors' agenda is -

Northfield Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team Promises Survey

The Northfield Ward Police Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) has asked us to publicise one of its regular surveys.  The team says:

Northfield Safer Neighbourhood December 2013 Newsletter

The Northfields Safer Neighbourhood Team recently circulated its December 2013 monthly newsletter.  For those not on the mailing list, we have uploaded a copy onto our website which you can see here.  It gives details of crime trends in the area including residential burglary, theft of and from motor vehicles and also gives dates for drop-in surgeries which give you a chance to pop in to the ward base and speak to a member of the team.

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