Transport and parking

Electricity Cable Works in Little Ealing Lane

Work being carried out by J Murphy and Sons on behalf of Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution resumed after Easter.

To avoid major congestion in the area, some roads leading off Little Ealing Lane will be closed and local diversions put in place as the work progresses. There will be a requirement to use multi way temporary lights at the junctions at either end of the road. However, this work will be carried out at weekends in the case of the South Ealing Road junction and school holiday periods or weekends for the Windmill Road junction.

Changes at Northfields Station

Many of you are likely to have received a letter and leaflet and/or email from Transport for London about the forthcoming changes in Northfields Station.

Work starts on 20 April 2015 to alter the ticket hall. Ticket windows will be permanently closed. Staff will move out of the ticket office into the ticket hall. The station will continue to be staffed between the first and last train times.

There may be further staffing changes when the Underground moves to 24-hour running on 12 September 2015.

Assyrian Centre in South Ealing Road

In December 2014 EFRA submitted an objection to the revised planning application to develop the Assyrian Centre at the junction of South Ealing Road and Temple Road.

Little Ealing Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) Consultation Results

In Autumn 2014 Ealing Council consulted residents about parking in the area bordered by Little Ealing Lane and Darwin Road, Windmill Road and South Ealing Road. Our councillors have passed us an advance copy of the results showing that a majority of residents are in favour of a controlled parking zone (CPZ) and so work will now begin to implement the scheme.

Click here for a summary of the results.

Further details should be available on the council's website soon.

CPZ Consultation around Ealing Park Gardens - Public Open Day

The council is holding an open day for residents about the CPZ consultation south of Little Ealing Lane.  See item on our website for more information.

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