Cranmer Avenue

Cranmer Avenue Snooker Hall

The council turned down the latest application to overdevelop this site.

The proposals were out of keeping with this residential side street and were equivalent to a householder constructing a two-storey extension in the front garden with full-height front windows and Juliet balconies facing directly into the houses on the opposite side of the street.

Cranmer Avenue Snooker Hall

There have been several recent applications in recent years for planning permission to develop the former snooker hall in Cranmer Avenue.  In May 2013, EFRA objected to the most recent application on the grounds of the layout, design and fit with the local surroundings, and the proposed non-residential use for the ground floor.  We had hoped the developer would follow the example of Windings Place, next door, and the Nodis Works in Julien Road and set the development back behind the established residential building line.

Cranmer Avenue Snooker Hall Redevelopment Appeal Rejected

Earlier this year we reported on an application to build a 3-storey block of flats on the site of the snooker hall in Cranmer Avenue. The application was rejected by Ealing Council in May but the developer subsequently appealed to the Planning Inspectorate. EFRA worked with local residents, and prepared a detailed submission to the Planning Inspector, which is attached below. P1040276 Cranmer Av Snooker Hall small.jpg

Cranmer Avenue Snooker Hall Redevelopment

Earlier this year an application was made to redevelop the site of the snooker hall in Cranmer Avenue; the developer submitted plans for a three storey building of 5 or 6 flats on this small-sized plot. The proposed building will be taller than the existing building and will dominate the whole street.

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