
Reynard Mills proposed development


As outlined in our spring newsletter, EFRA opposed an application for development of Reynard Mills, the former BBC archive site off Windmill Road.  The proposal was for 275 homes in massed blocks totally out of keeping with the surrounding area.  The impact would have been felt on parking, transport and other local facilities.

Response to planning application for the Christadelphian Meeting Hall, Dorset Road


Town and Country Planning Act 1990: Planning Application
Christadelphian Meeting Hall Dorset Road, Ealing, W5 4HX
ref: P/2011/1326

Dear Ms Perry

Cranmer Avenue Snooker Hall Redevelopment Appeal Rejected

Earlier this year we reported on an application to build a 3-storey block of flats on the site of the snooker hall in Cranmer Avenue. The application was rejected by Ealing Council in May but the developer subsequently appealed to the Planning Inspectorate. EFRA worked with local residents, and prepared a detailed submission to the Planning Inspector, which is attached below. P1040276 Cranmer Av Snooker Hall small.jpg

Northfields Hostel

For the past several years an office block on Northfield Avenue, opposte the underground station, has been used as a hostel. Despite pressure from local residents and EFRA the building has never had planning approval for the change of use. The owners recently submitted a planning application for change of use, and EFRA has submitted its response.

Pickering House development approved

At their meeting on 30 June, Ealing Council Planning Committee approved the application to develop Pickering House by adding six extra flats within the extended roof space. The committee's discussions and decision are in the meeting minutes on the council web site.
EFRA had supported local residents in opposing the application.