
Consultation on Betting Shops and Local Gambling Policies

STOP PRESS  28 September 2013

Since we uploaded this story, we have learnt that the council's web team has taken down the consultation.  Pat Gilmore, Ealing Council’s Licensing Manager is very happy to receive emailed responses over the weekend.

We have prepared an MS Word version of the council’s questionnaire, which you may want to complete and email to her at:

Julien Road - Rear of 287 Northfield Avenue

In July 2013 EFRA responded to an application to develop the residential parts of the recently closed newsagent on the corner of Julien Road and Northfield Avenue.  We objected on the grounds that the plans represent a significant over-development of the site. Click on the link below to see the details.

Julien Road - EFRA objection to planning application July 2013

Assyrian Centre in South Ealing Road

In early June 2013, EFRA responded to a planning application to expand the Assyrian Centre in South Ealing Road, just outside EFRA's area.  We do not usually comment on matters beyond our borders but it is a local landmark and  the scale of the proposal has implications for the amenity of our members and their neighbours.  We objected to the application on a number of grounds including the failure of the proposed development to respect externally visible frontages of this heritage building, possible excessive noise, and parking and traffic pressures.

Cranmer Avenue Snooker Hall

There have been several recent applications in recent years for planning permission to develop the former snooker hall in Cranmer Avenue.  In May 2013, EFRA objected to the most recent application on the grounds of the layout, design and fit with the local surroundings, and the proposed non-residential use for the ground floor.  We had hoped the developer would follow the example of Windings Place, next door, and the Nodis Works in Julien Road and set the development back behind the established residential building line.

Reynard Mills Planning Appeal Result

The result of the Planning Inquiry into the proposed redevelopment of Reynard Mills was announced in March 2013.  The excellent news is that both the Secretary of State and the Planning Inspector endorsed Hounslow Council's refusal of the developer's second scheme for Reynard Mills.  While the Inspector was only asked to consider scheme two, many of the criticisms in his report could also apply to scheme three, the slightly smaller scheme which the developer submitted to Hounslow Council while the appeal on scheme two was in progress.