Application for Side Extensions to the Ealing Christian Centre in Northfield Avenue, formerly the Avenue Cinema

In April 2015 EFRA objected to the proposed extension and infills to the Ealing Christian Centre. We are not against the principle of an infill on the north-west frontage of the building, nor are we opposed to a roof extension providing that it would be invisible from street level and not detract from the building's heritage design features. However we would like to see proposals of a high architectural quality which respect the exterior of this Grade II* listed building.

The Cinema Theatre Association also objected to the proposal as submitted, on the basis of the quality of the design and the clarity of the drawings. Its website is a useful source of information about cinema architecture.

There seems to be agreement that the church could be allowed to build some form of extension, but it needs to be much more professionally designed.

The full text of EFRA's objection is here.